Like the arms and elbows, wrists and hands can suffer from a local affliction or a more distant dysfunction. They say what makes us humans is our ability to manipulate fine objects as well as exhibiting considerable strength. But if you take this uniqueness for granted and persistently abuse your hands and wrists then you risk causing irreparable damage. Just speak to a person who has damaged their thumb and they will tell you how a problem with this small appendage has changed their lives. But don’t wait until your hands give up, come and talk to us.
Stretching Exercises:
ARMM01 Wrist Flexor Stretch
ARMM02 Wrist and Finger Extensor Stretch
ARMM03 Wrist Extensor Stretch Against a Chair
ARMM04 Wrist Flexor Stretch Against a Chair
Strengthening Exercises:
HANS01 Finger Abduction Strengthening Exercise
HANS02 Finger Flexion and Adduction Strengthening Exercise
HANS03 Wrist and Hand Flexors Strengthening Exercise
HANS04 Wrist and Hand Extensors Strengthening Exercise