Like the cervical section, this part of our spine is also mobile but thankfully stronger than the neck as it needs to support most of our body weight. However, it is believed that human evolution and modern work and exercise habits contribute greatly in making this the most complained part of our bodies. Low back pain and colds and flu make up the bulk of GP visits. But before you pop in the pill for an elusive magic cure come and talk to us.
In addition to a restorative treatment, we will give you the tools to address your low back pain. If you abuse this part of your spine not only you will experience the intensity of low back pains but more seriously the referral of pains in the pelvis and legs. The most common and persistent cause of low back pain is of course damage to our discs and joints. If you damage these their capacity for repair is very low and very slow but we can help. Come and talk to us.
Stretching Exercises:
HIPM01 Hip Flexor Quadriceps Stretch
HIPM03 Gluteal Hip and Low Back Stretch
LEGM18 Hamstring Glutei Sciatic Stretch Lying on Back
LEGS20 Gluteus – Hamstring – Low Back Strengthening Exercise
LSPM01 Knee Hug Stretch
LSPM02 Knee Hug Stretch One Leg
LSPM03 Lumbar Spine Mobility Exercises
LSPM06 Lumbar Spine Mobility Rotational Exercise
LSPM07 Lumbar Rotational Stretch using a Swiss Ball
Strengthening Exercises:
LSPM09 Low Back Strengthening and Stretching Exercise
LSPM11 Lumbar Spine Extension Stretching and Strengthening Exercise
LSPM12 Prayer Pose Cat Crawl Back Stretch
LSPM13 Pelvic Tilt Stretching and Strengthening Exercise
LSPS01 Lumbar Spine Extension Strengthening Exercise
LSPS02 Spine Stretch and Core Strengthening Exercise
LSPS03 Low Back Bridge Strengthening Exercise
LSPS04 Low Back Bridge Strengthening Exercise
LSPS06 Lumbar Spine and Hips Strengthening Exercise using a Swiss Ball
LSPS07 Low Back Extensor Strengthening Exercise
LSPS08 Low Back Extensor and Core Strengthening Exercise