Very few people are lucky enough to not experience some form of pain or dysfunction with this region of the body. The most commonly presenting problems are to do with our menisci (knee cartilages), the ligaments and tendons of the legs and the action of our muscles. Imagine how much weight they constantly transport and how many millions of steps we have to take in our lifetime. If it was a machine and not a self-repairing biological structure our knees would be worn out very fast indeed. But the body has a capacity to repair and adapt provided we give it the right means and measures. Let your osteopath evaluate your locomotion mechanism and prescribe the correct exercise and rehabilitation program.
Stretching Exercises:
BALB01 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Wobble Board
BALB02 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Wobble Board
BALB03 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Wobble Board
BALB04 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Wobble Board
BALB05 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Wobble Board
BALP01 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Pillow
BALP02 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Pillow
BALP03 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Pillow
BALP04 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Pillow
BALP05 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Pillow
BALP06 Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Balance Exercise – Pillow
CORM01 Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fascia Lata Stretch
CORM04Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fascia Lata Stretch
HIPM02 Gluteal Stretch-sitting
LEGM03 Hamstring Stretch
LEGM04 Hamstring and Calf Stretch
LEGM08 Calf stretch against a Wall
LEGM11 Quadriceps Stretch Standing
LEGM17 Hamstring and Gluteam Stretch Lying on Back
LEGM17 Hamstring Stretch
LEGM18 Hamstring Glutei Sciatic Stretch Lying on Back
Strengthening Exercises:
LEGS09 Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise
LEGS11 Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise
LEGS12 Calf Strengthening Exercise
LEGS18 Vastus Medialis Obliquus Strengthening
LEGS20 Gluteus – Hamstring – Low Back Strengthening Exercise
LEGS21 Gluteus amd Hamstring Strengthening Exercise