Most people think of pregnant women or the obese when you mention pelvic problems. Although true to an extent, it is by far not the most common aetiology. Problems include sacroiliac lesions, ligament and tendon problems, weak muscles, arthritis and many others. Although not life-threatening conditions, pain and dysfunction in this region will affect your mobility and general well-being. The challenge though is getting the correct diagnosis in order to properly direct treatment and rehabilitation exercises. If you suffer from hips or pelvic problems, please contact us – we can help.
Stretching Exercises:
HIPM01 Hip Flexor Quadriceps Stretch
HIPM02 Gluteal Stretch Sitting on Floor
HIPM04 Hip Capsular Stretch
HIPM06 Gluteal Stretch Sitting on Chair
HIPM07 Hip Flexor Stretch using Ball for Support
HIPM08 Adductor Stretch
LEGM11 Quadriceps Stretch Standing
LEGM12 Quadriceps Stretch Sidelying
LEGM20 Adductor Stretch
LEGM21 Iliotibial Band Stretch
LEGM22 Leg Swing Exercise
Strengthening Exercises:
HIPS01 Gluteal Strengthening Exercise
HIPS06 Gluteal Hamstrings and Low Back Strengthening
HIPS07 Abductor Strengthening Exercise
LEGS02 Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercise
LEGS11 Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise
LEGS14 Adductor Strengthening Exercise
LEGS15 Adductor Strengthening Exercise
LEGS17 Adductor Strengthening Exercise
LEGS21 Hamstring Strengthening Exercise